Hall of Fame

Maptek Hall of Fame


2021 Hall of Fame

Peter Lauder

Fenelon Project with Wallbridge
as the Exploration Manager

Peter Lauder is an Exploration Manager at the Fenelon Project with Wallbridge, with more than 20 years of experience in the design, implementation, and management of underground and surface exploration projects.

He has extensive experience in production mine settings where replacing mined reserves safely is a top priority.

Peter was actively involved in a supervisory position in Goldcorp’s exploration team, which brought the Eleonore Project through a positive feasibility study, construction decision, and full production.

Peter is an expert in 3D geological modelling with Vulcan and he specialises in managing all aspects of mining and exploration projects from early to an advanced stage, to full production with an emphasis on safety and process-driven exploration leading to successful resource estimation and project development.