Hall of Fame

Maptek Hall of Fame


2024 Hall of Fame

Andrew Vidale

Principal Consultant,
AVCS Pty Ltd

Andrew is a Mining Engineer and the Managing Director of AVCS, an independent consulting firm based in Adelaide, South Australia. His expertise encompasses all aspects of open pit mine evaluation including pit optimisation, pit design, scheduling and cost modelling.

Over a career spanning nearly four decades, Andrew has worked globally with clients ranging from junior explorers to large mining houses across a diverse spread of commodities.

His connection with Maptek commenced in the late 1980s as a junior engineer in open cut coal - in fact one of the first Vulcan licences in coal in South Australia - and has continued to this day in his consulting work. During this relationship of more than three decades, Andrew has always appreciated the accessibility of Maptek developers and technical support, and the willingness to seek out and embrace industry feedback when developing or enhancing products.

Most recently Andrew has been using Evolution for medium term scheduling across a range of commodities and project scales.