Hall of Fame

Maptek Hall of Fame


2016 Hall of Fame

Cat Joyner

Newmont Mining Corporation

Cat Joyner started using Vulcan in 2000 at the Barrick Goldstrike Rodeo Mine on the Carlin Trend in Nevada.

She has applied Vulcan to many different underground applications with Barrick, Micon International Limited, and as co-owner and principal at Minetech USA.

Specialising in underground mine planning, Cat has used Vulcan on various projects in different countries.

Her most memorable projects are those that involved working with Maptek to meet specialised software needs, including increasing efficiency by implementing batch plotting at a time when plotting was cumbersome, and streamlining survey data conversion before data import was an integral part of the software.

Cat currently uses Vulcan for underground design and stope optimisation and is embarking on a feasibility study for a large underground mine using Vulcan Gantt Scheduling for part of the work.

Cat enjoys many outdoor pursuits with her husband Scott and daughter Hannah, including archery and rifle hunting, backpacking, fly fishing, downhill and cross-country skiing and snowshoeing.