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Maptek Vulcan – ODBC connection

Maptek Vulcan – ODBC connection

Learn how to configure and customise an ODBC connection to easily access your site data directly in Vulcan.

How To Video
Maptek Vulcan – Mining Solids Feature Overview

Maptek Vulcan – Mining Solids Feature Overview

Maptek Vulcan 2025 streamlines the design of mining solids workflow for scheduling.

Solution Video

Achieving Design Integrity with Inter-Ramp Compliance

Maptek’s Inter-Ramp Compliance tool helps assess whether adjustments are needed to ensure safe and cost-effective mining.

In this webinar you will discover how the Inter-Ramp Compliance module enables geotechnical engineers to conduct digital slope analysis, supporting slope steepening initiatives, optimisation, and design modifications.

Dependency management enhancements in Evolution

Dependency management enhancements in Evolution

Maptek Evolution provides simple dependency management by enabling; customisation, defining relationships, precise filtering, and animation for your project.

Solution Video
Maptek laser scanning solutions

Maptek laser scanning solutions

Maptek develops versatile, easy to use laser scanning hardware and software solutions designed for mine survey and mapping tasks.

Solution Video
SR3 underground laser scanner

SR3 underground laser scanner

See the beauty of the structural mapping data you can capture with the Maptek SR3 underground laser scanner.

Solution Video
Maptek underground geology and structural analysis

Maptek underground geology and structural analysis

Fast, accurate and rugged Maptek sensing hardware combines with powerful modelling software to improve safety and productivity for underground face mapping.

Solution Video
Laser scanning for stockpiles

Laser scanning for stockpiles

Maptek technology provides a safe, fast, accurate and cost-effective solution for stockpile measurement.

Solution Video
FieldHHC Design conformance

FieldHHC Design conformance

The FieldHHC design conformance add-on lets you instantly see on your handheld controller where laser scan differs from design.

Solution Video
Introducing I-Site Drive

Introducing I-Site Drive

I-Site Drive continuously acquires data with recommended I-Site laser scanner mounted on a moving vehicle. (more…)

Solution Video
Scanning Ulaanbaatar

Scanning Ulaanbaatar

Scans of the Genghis Khan Equestrian Statue and Sükhbaatar Square in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. Thanks to our resellers IT Experts LLC, and Erdenet MC for providing the Maptek XR3 laser scanner.

Solution Video
Model and minimise ore loss and dilution

Model and minimise ore loss and dilution

Learn how Vulcan Grade Control Optimiser defines dig blocks for waste or ore based on economic calculations, and compare it to standard methods.

Learn about assigning Point Attributes in PointStudio

Learn about assigning Point Attributes in PointStudio

Discover how to effectively use the Point Attributes tool in PointStudio to manage, assign, and analyse point data for better project insights.

Solution Video
Learn how to remove objects in PointStudio

Learn how to remove objects in PointStudio

Discover how the Remove Objects filter in PointStudio simplifies object removal, boosts data accuracy, and streamlines your workflow, improving efficiency.

Solution Video
Learn about filtering Water Reflections in PointStudio

Learn about filtering Water Reflections in PointStudio

Discover how to use the Water Reflections filter in PointStudio to enhance and simplify your point cloud data.

Solution Video
Learn about the Topography Filter in PointStudio

Learn about the Topography Filter in PointStudio

Discover how to use the Topography Filter in PointStudio to efficiently remove vegetation points and refine your data.

Solution Video
Manipulate Views in PointModeller

Manipulate Views in PointModeller

Evaluate files simultaneously, identify data types, and tile and tie your data in PointModeller.

How To Video
Global Registration in PointModeller

Global Registration in PointModeller

Learn how to register, align, and update your point cloud data in PointModeller.

How To Video
View Sections in PointModeller

View Sections in PointModeller

Discover the View Sections tool in PointModeller for evaluating benches, viewing data between points and controlling unnecessary data.

How To Video
Filtering Options in PointModeller

Filtering Options in PointModeller

Filtering options in PointModeller allow you to simplify your point cloud before modelling.

How To Video
Importing Scans in PointModeller

Importing Scans in PointModeller

See the various options for importing and viewing multiple different file formats in PointModeller.

How To Video
Colouring Options in PointModeller

Colouring Options in PointModeller

Enhance your point cloud data by taking advantage of Colouring Options in PointModeller.

How To Video
Automate your survey workflows

Automate your survey workflows

Discover how you can integrate new tools into existing survey workflows in PointStudio and PointModeller as a pathway to greater success.

DomainMCF Add-on for GeologyCore

DomainMCF Add-on for GeologyCore

Flexible subscription access to machine learning for quickly generating domain models.

Solution Video
PointStudio 2024 Highlights Reel

PointStudio 2024 Highlights Reel

The latest PointStudio release delivers multiple enhancements for powerful point cloud processing and analysis.

Solution Video

Maximising Mine Value with Maptek Evolution Origin

Learn how Evolution Origin could help you reduce operating costs without compromising on operations.

Learn about PointStudio Triangulation Analysis Online Training course

Learn about PointStudio Triangulation Analysis Online Training course

Quickly update your triangulation models, generate insightful reports, and perform important analyses with PointStudio.

Solution Video
Learn about the PointStudio CAD Objects Online Training course

Learn about the PointStudio CAD Objects Online Training course

PointStudio enables generating CAD data to augment your triangulation model, perform analysis, or produce data for other teams.

Solution Video
Gantt Scheduler

Gantt Scheduler

Discover how to plan and schedule your mining operations effectively using the Vulcan Gantt Scheduler.

Underground Mine Design

Underground Mine Design

Master Vulcan Underground Mine Design tools to create efficient and safe underground mine layouts.

Stope Optimiser

Stope Optimiser

Learn how to optimise stope design for maximum resource recovery and profitability.

Evolution Epoch

Evolution Epoch

Streamline your management schedule with Evolution Epoch, an interactive tool that enables flexible short term planning to your project.

Solution Video
Vulcan Level Layout

Vulcan Level Layout

Create and modify underground development networks and easily connect mineable stope shapes to existing development with new Level Layout tools.

Solution Video
Blasting economics risk

Blasting economics risk

Drill and blast is a critical process in mining operations, but it can also be a significant cost driver. In this webinar, we discuss the key drivers of drill and blast cost, excavation cost, and ore recovery, and how to optimise these factors to improve blasting economics.

Fragmentation Risks

Fragmentation Risks

Fragmentation is a critical aspect of surface mining operations, affecting excavation and loading efficiency, as well as the recovery of valuable minerals. However, mine operators continue to struggle with boulders and their impact on operations, including secondary blasting and potential ore losses from fines generation.

Vulcan GeologyCore Fundamentals

Vulcan GeologyCore Fundamentals

Tips and tricks to help you master your Vulcan GeologyCore experience.

Blast timing using electronic detonators – what delay values to choose?

Blast timing using electronic detonators – what delay values to choose?

The flexibility in programming electronic detonators, the accuracy of modern electronic detonators and their ability to fire at exceptionally long delays compared to pyrotechnic detonators has provided some dilemma to users concerning their choice of delays when designing the timing for a blast. Coupled to this complexity are advanced software tools for designing and analysing blast timing designs, which are often not used to their full capability.

Simplify your modelling process – Faulted vein models

Simplify your modelling process – Faulted vein models

The Fault Manager in Vulcan GeologyCore allows you to generate fault models from CAD and structural data, define truncation relationships and create fault surfaces and block solids for modelling.

How To Video
Vulcan GeologyCore 2023.2

Vulcan GeologyCore 2023.2

Gain advantage with new features in Vulcan GeologyCore, handling complex fault networks and internal DomainMCF access, for an easier and more powerful modelling workflow.

Solution Video
Strategy for success

Strategy for success

Scott Britton, explains how the Maptek strategy for success will continue to support customers in an expanding market.

Solution Video
Unintended initiation risk

Unintended initiation risk

Unintended blast initiation risks are a significant hazard in mining operations. Ensuring the safety of your workers and protecting your equipment is paramount.

Evolution 2023

Evolution 2023

Evolution 2023 contains new sequencing, breakdown and beneficiation circuit tools for life of mine scheduling in the Strategy module.

Solution Video
Underground survey 2D reporting

Underground survey 2D reporting

Multi-grade tunnel string and plan view boundary tools are game changers for 2D reporting on underground survey data.

Solution Video
Long term deformation analysis in underground environments

Long term deformation analysis in underground environments

Comprehensive suite of menu-driven tools for underground geotechnical and survey applications.

How To Video
Solution Video
Meet the Geology Challenge 2023 winner

Meet the Geology Challenge 2023 winner

Caroline Burden, winner of the Geology Challenge for 2023, shares how she used Maptek geological modelling tools to control the complexity of her deposit.

Solution Video
Vulcan Drillhole Planning Tools

Vulcan Drillhole Planning Tools

Intuitive tools in Vulcan Drillhole Planning allow you to evaluate density, generate holes, assess costs and report on intersections.

Solution Video
Controlling Complexity

Controlling Complexity

Create fast, accurate geological models using DomainMCF, without the need to set up the relationships of all units, while maintaining control.

Solution Video
PointStudio and PointModeller

PointStudio and PointModeller

See what’s new in Maptek point cloud software solutions PointStudio 2023 and and PointModeller 2023.1

Solution Video
Photogrammetry Add-On

Photogrammetry Add-On

Easily and accurately convert drone imagery directly to a point cloud, textured surface or orthomosaic imagery.

Solution Video
Underground Tools Add-on

Underground Tools Add-on

Delivering functionality for underground survey applications in a dedicated package.

Solution Video
Maptek Geology Challenge 2023

Maptek Geology Challenge 2023

The annual Maptek Geology Challenge is back! Hear from Senior Technical Lead, Richard Jackson how trying new approaches to geological modelling can benefit our industry and how you can get involved.

Solution Video
Simplify your modelling process – Modelling Manager Intrusives

Simplify your modelling process – Modelling Manager Intrusives

Learn how applying intrusive style implicit models in the latest Modelling Manager can help streamline your geological process.

How To Video
Solution Video
Simplify your modelling process – Vein Contacts

Simplify your modelling process – Vein Contacts

Find out how hanging wall and footwall vein contacts can be controlled to influence and understand models in Vulcan GeologyCore.

How To Video
Solution Video
Save time and effort with Automated Pit Designer

Save time and effort with Automated Pit Designer

Learn how to add ramps and modify pit designs in a fast, iterative process.

Solution Video
Vulcan GeologyCore 2023.1

Vulcan GeologyCore 2023.1

Vulcan GeologyCore 2023.1 delivers multiple enhancements around modelling with structural data, model control and increased auditability for powerful, repeatable modelling.

Solution Video
Why this release of Vulcan GeologyCore means so much to geologists

Why this release of Vulcan GeologyCore means so much to geologists

Senior Technical Lead – Richard Jackson, explains why he’s excited for the latest version.

Solution Video


Machine learning offers tangible resource modelling benefits, including processing vast amounts of data and identifying patterns to help unravel complexity.

Solution Video
Vulcan GeologyCore 2023

Vulcan GeologyCore 2023

The latest Vulcan GeologyCore release delivers multiple enhancements for more powerful, consistent and repeatable modelling. 

Solution Video
Simplify your modelling process – Modelling Manager

Simplify your modelling process – Modelling Manager

The Modelling Manager provides a structured and automated framework for building an entire geological model and defining how all the different units interact with each other to form the final triangulation surfaces and solids (volumes).

How To Video
Solution Video
Simplify your modelling process – Loading data in Vulcan GeologyCore

Simplify your modelling process – Loading data in Vulcan GeologyCore

Learn how you can load data into Vulcan GeologyCore by simply dragging and dropping, use the Load Vulcan Data option to bring in Vulcan files en masse, and visualise your data in the interface. Next video – Working with Vulcan data

How To Video
Solution Video
Simplify your modelling process – Validating data

Simplify your modelling process – Validating data

See how Vulcan GeologyCore’s visualisation and validation tools help you quickly identify and correct consistency errors in your drillhole database, giving you confidence data is consistent and free from errors before you generate your geological models. Next video – Domain rules

How To Video
Solution Video
Simplify your modelling process – Domain rules

Simplify your modelling process – Domain rules

The key to a good geological model involves domaining decisions at a scale applicable to your final model. Learn how to prepare your domains for modelling using the Domain Manager in Vulcan GeologyCore. Next video – Grade-based domains and charting options

How To Video
Solution Video
Simplify your modelling process – Grade-based domains and charting options

Simplify your modelling process – Grade-based domains and charting options

It is easy to quickly set up your domains based on grade cutoffs in the Vulcan GeologyCore Domain Manager. Learn how and check out more of the platform’s powerful charting options. Next video – Manual domain flagging

How To Video
Solution Video
Simplify your modelling process – Vein modelling

Simplify your modelling process – Vein modelling

Once you’re happy with the way your drillholes are domained, you can use those domains to create a vein model in Vulcan GeologyCore. See how to select drillhole data, set legends, and work with CAD data, action planes and controls such as relimiting in the Vein Modeller. Next video – DomainMCF modelling

How To Video
Solution Video
Simplify your modelling process – DomainMCF modelling

Simplify your modelling process – DomainMCF modelling

Find out how to prepare your data and generate models using machine learning in the cloud. Gain insight into preparing data with the Domain Manager, and then modelling domains and grade trends using DomainMCF.
Next video – Implicit modelling

How To Video
Solution Video
Simplify your modelling process – Manual domain flagging

Simplify your modelling process – Manual domain flagging

Specialist Geologist Dan Owen takes you through improvements to the manual domaining process in Vulcan GeologyCore 2022.1. Get to know the streamlined Domain Manager and easy-to-follow flagging workflow.
Next video – Vein modelling

How To Video
Solution Video
Simplify your modelling process – Implicit modelling

Simplify your modelling process – Implicit modelling

Get to know Vulcan GeologyCore’s powerful implicit modelling. Understand the advanced options available, remodel surfaces, use fine controls and see how to model by grade. Next video – Publish your Geological Model

How To Video
Solution Video
Simplify your modelling process – Publish your Geological Model

Simplify your modelling process – Publish your Geological Model

Learn how to publish your finished Vulcan GeologyCore model to Vulcan.

How To Video
Solution Video
Maptek PointModeller – Driving value from drone and 3D spatial data

Maptek PointModeller – Driving value from drone and 3D spatial data

Maptek PointModeller is subscription-based package ideal for converting drone or other mobile sensor data into deliverables for civil, topographic, quarry and aggregate operations.

Solution Video
Learn about the Open Pit Design Essentials Online Training course

Learn about the Open Pit Design Essentials Online Training course

View existing mine data and set the foundation for creating your own open pit designs thanks to the Maptek Online Training Open Pit Design Essentials course.

Solution Video
Learn about the Open Pit Design Basics Online Training course

Learn about the Open Pit Design Basics Online Training course

The Maptek Online Training Open Pit Design Basics course teaches you how Vulcan tools can help you design mines that conform to your site parameters.

Solution Video
Maptek Geology Challenge 2022

Maptek Geology Challenge 2022

Senior Technical Lead Richard Jackson invites you to get involved in the Maptek Geology Challenge 2022 – More than just domains. Experiment with the latest Maptek modelling techniques and machine learning on your project and win!

Solution Video
BlastLogic 2022 – Custom tablet display and snapshots

BlastLogic 2022 – Custom tablet display and snapshots

BlastLogic now features new ways of displaying customisable hole views on the tablet through hole display rules and ways to perform detailed analysis on historic blast data.

Solution Video
Vulcan Interactive Cut Planner – Working with Quick Mode

Vulcan Interactive Cut Planner – Working with Quick Mode

See how Quick Mode in Vulcan Interactive Cut Planner allows you to quickly create scheduling cuts to access reserves, volume calculations, and more, directly from triangulations.

How To Video
Customising the Maptek Workbench

Customising the Maptek Workbench

New Customisation features make it easier than ever to personalise your Maptek Workbench interface. Move and add items within menus and the ribbon, configure visual properties and hotkeys, and choose which tools are visible in the Quick Launch and Start Page.

Solution Video
Vulcan Interactive Cut Planner – Working with Triangulations

Vulcan Interactive Cut Planner – Working with Triangulations

It’s vital for short-range planners to be able to clearly communicate mine plans. Learn how Vulcan Interactive Cut Planner is capable of cutting triangulations directly, which allows for more accurate volume and tonnage calculations, as well as easier-to-understand visuals for your audience.

How To Video
Vulcan GeologyCore 2022.1 – Streamlined geological domaining

Vulcan GeologyCore 2022.1 – Streamlined geological domaining

Vulcan GeologyCore offers streamlined domaining for more powerful modelling. Experience simplified domain coding and rule repeatability, better visualisation, and the ability to work with CAD data, blastholes and planned drillholes.

Solution Video
Learn about the PointStudio Model Points Online Training course

Learn about the PointStudio Model Points Online Training course

Generate precise triangulation models from your scan data for visual, geotechnical, and volumetric analysis thanks to the Maptek Online Training PointStudio Model Points course.

Solution Video
Maptek and Minviro – Sustainably aware mine planning

Maptek and Minviro – Sustainably aware mine planning

Maptek Senior Technical Sales Specialist Gary Buchanan and Minviro Sustainability Coordinator Jordan Lindsay speak about life cycle analysis of optimised strategic mine plan scenarios at the Sustainable Minerals ’22 conference.

Solution Video
Vulcan drillhole planning

Vulcan drillhole planning

Learn how to use Vulcan drillhole planning tools to output expected contacts to the exploration team, how to holistically utilise assay data, geologic solids and resource models to get the most out of your drill programs, and explore how to evaluate drill density and create drill targets, providing a clear indication of where to focus drillhole planning.

Vulcan underground digital mapping

Vulcan underground digital mapping

Vulcan FaceMapper can provide geologists more time to review data and make critical interpretations about the ore system, which has the potential to impact decisions made in the production environment. Learn about its customised data mapping workflow, up-to-date data integrated with Vulcan, detailed face mapping, data files accessible on tablet and reviewing geological observations spatially in real time.

Maptek Workflows 5 – Attributes and Custom Panels

Maptek Workflows 5 – Attributes and Custom Panels

The Attribute Mapper and Custom Panels store data to pass it through to different workflow components, making workflows more robust and allowing for greater customisation.

How To Video
Vulcan Strategic Designer

Vulcan Strategic Designer

Vulcan Strategic Designer enables rapid generation and analysis of phase selections, allowing you to quickly interrogate open pit design choices to maximise returns and streamline mining.

Solution Video
Maptek Workflows 4 – Creating a PointStudio workflow

Maptek Workflows 4 – Creating a PointStudio workflow

See how to create a basic PointStudio workflow made up of menu command options to filter scans and create a surface. Part 5

How To Video
Value discovered with DomainMCF

Value discovered with DomainMCF

Technical Lead Steve Sullivan chats about how the breadth of DomainMCF applications has surprised even its creators, less than a year after the machine learning engine’s release.

Solution Video
Learn about the PointStudio Registration Online Training course

Learn about the PointStudio Registration Online Training course

The Maptek Online Training PointStudio Registration course details how to import and register scans.

Solution Video
Learn about the PointStudio Essentials Online Training course

Learn about the PointStudio Essentials Online Training course

Get started with 3D point cloud modelling and analysis with the PointStudio Essentials course from Maptek Online Training.

Solution Video
Maptek Workflows 3 – Data input methods

Maptek Workflows 3 – Data input methods

Find out about the different methods of data inputs for Maptek Workflows and the relevant situations for each tool. Part 4

How To Video
StockpileMRT – Plan and track product stockpile builds

StockpileMRT – Plan and track product stockpile builds

StockpileMRT assists mining operations to proactively plan their stockpiles to optimise the usage of available space and meet the demand from rail or road for sales and exports.

Maptek Workflows 2 – Planning and preparation

Maptek Workflows 2 – Planning and preparation

Learn about what you need to consider before starting a Maptek Workflow and how to plan out the order of events. Part 3

How To Video
Harnessing data complexity

Harnessing data complexity

Maptek Senior Technical Sales Specialist & Technical Lead – DomainMCF Steve Sullivan presents Harnessing data complexity by using machine learning for rapid geological modelling for the AusIMM International Mining Geology Conference 2022.

Solution Video
Maptek Workflows 1 – Introducing Maptek Workflows

Maptek Workflows 1 – Introducing Maptek Workflows

A Maptek Workflow is a series of application commands run in sequence to perform regular tasks. Understand the benefits using workflows and how to get started. Part 2

How To Video
Vulcan GeologyCore 2022 – Flexible, dynamic geological modelling

Vulcan GeologyCore 2022 – Flexible, dynamic geological modelling

Enjoy more flexibility in handling bigger datasets and an enhanced open pit modelling workflow in Vulcan GeologyCore.

Solution Video
Vulcan GeologyCore Workflows

Vulcan GeologyCore Workflows

Find out how Vulcan GeologyCore streamlines the process of generating geological models, providing a simple and seamless way of importing and validating drillhole data, defining geological domains and then generating and publishing the model. Repeatable steps mean you can easily experiment with changes to your domains and see the effect on your model.

Updating geological models in Vulcan GeologyCore

Updating geological models in Vulcan GeologyCore

Vulcan GeologyCore gives you greater visibility and control when you bring new data into your model, meaning you can be confident the new data is correct.

Solution Video
Tips and Tricks – Getting and using licences on BlastLogic Tablet

Tips and Tricks – Getting and using licences on BlastLogic Tablet

Learn about claiming and using licences on the BlastLogic Tablet and see how they can be set to renewed manually or automatically and be released to allow another user access.

How To Video
How to: Import drillhole .csv data into ISIS

How to: Import drillhole .csv data into ISIS

Learn how to import a .csv file into a Vulcan ISIS drillhole database without creating a design file.

How To Video
How to: Stack and offload leach pads

How to: Stack and offload leach pads

See how you can model multiple moves of the same material using Evolution Origin Solids to adapt to the needs of your operation.

How To Video
Automating mine measurement workflows

Automating mine measurement workflows

Maptek workflows can help automate repetitive tasks and ensure consistent processes are followed across your operation. See an example simplifying point cloud registration and filtering.

Solution Video
PointStudio 3D rock bolt visualisation and analysis

PointStudio 3D rock bolt visualisation and analysis

PointStudio reporting and visualisation features for reconciling rock bolt distribution and effectiveness support better decisions by surveyors, geotechnical engineers and mine management.

Solution Video
Maptek Haul Road Tools

Maptek Haul Road Tools

Maptek Haul Road Tools allows operations to report on haul road compliance quickly, accurately and visually, allowing clear communication through to production of where improvements are necessary to facilitate changes to design which can improve mine processes and safety outcomes.

Solution Video
Stratigraphic modelling

Stratigraphic modelling

Vulcan GeologyCore provides an interactive environment to easily and confidently model your geology, including stratigraphic deposits. Learn about accessing the software, integration with your Vulcan workflow, stratigraphic unit statistics, stratigraphic correlations and rule-based domain definition, and stratigraphic models.

BlastLogic 2021.1 – Improved density measurement and tie-up design

BlastLogic 2021.1 – Improved density measurement and tie-up design

BlastLogic 2021.1 features improved capture and analysis of explosive density measurements and enhanced tie-up design.

Solution Video
Narrow vein orebody modelling

Narrow vein orebody modelling

Vulcan GeologyCore provides an interactive environment to easily and confidently model your geology. Find out how to get started, with a focus on setting up Vulcan GeologyCore to model narrow vein deposits. We cover accessing the software, integration with your Vulcan workflow, domain statistics, manual and rule-based domain definition, and implicit and DomainMCF geological models.

Disseminated Geological Models

Disseminated Geological Models

Vulcan GeologyCore provides an interactive environment to easily and confidently model your geology. This session focuses on ways Vulcan GeologyCore can add value to disseminated orebody modelling. Learn about accessing the software, integration with Vulcan workflows, introduction to Domain Statistics and Definition, and generating implicit and DomainMCF geological models.

Maptek Geology Challenge finalists

Maptek Geology Challenge finalists

The three Maptek Geology Challenge finalists outline why they entered the inaugural contest and share their experiences with using new Maptek geology tools to complete their entries.

Solution Video
Registering your Maptek Account

Registering your Maptek Account

Maptek Account is your home for Maptek online licensing and support. See how quickly and easily you can get started with your own account.

Solution Video
Recognising the impact of uncertainty in resource models

Recognising the impact of uncertainty in resource models

Technical Lead, DomainMCF Steve Sullivan presents Recognising the impact of uncertainty in resource models.

Solution Video
Vulcan GeologyCore – Geological modelling reimagined

Vulcan GeologyCore – Geological modelling reimagined

Vulcan GeologyCore lets you update resource and production models more frequently, easily and confidently, providing you with models based on the most accurate and recent information.

Solution Video
BlastLogic 2021 – Streamlining drilling data entry, validation and visualisation

BlastLogic 2021 – Streamlining drilling data entry, validation and visualisation

BlastLogic 2021 delivers another important step forward in helping mines digitise drill and blast, with new tablet drilling data entry, streamlined validation workflows, enhanced visualisation and a fresh ribbon interface.

Solution Video
Why BlastLogic? An all-in-one drill & blast solution

Why BlastLogic? An all-in-one drill & blast solution

Software engineers Will Reid and Peter Iannella chat about what sets BlastLogic apart and the latest innovations for the advanced drill & blast design and reconciliation solution.

Solution Video
Design conformance reporting

Design conformance reporting

Quickly compare a design surface to as-built and other surfaces, to support decision making in your operation.

Solution Video
Sentry 2021 – Improved surface movement monitoring

Sentry 2021 – Improved surface movement monitoring

Sentry 2021 looks better, runs faster, is simpler to use and has greater integration with the Maptek product suite.

Solution Video
PointStudio 2021.1 – Better visualise and understand your mine

PointStudio 2021.1 – Better visualise and understand your mine

PointStudio 2021.1 features enhanced Inter-Ramp Compliance, performance and stability, supports Maptek R3 mkII laser scanners and enables unwrapping and colouring lines by grade and RQD calculation on scanlines.

Solution Video
Evolution 2021 and beyond – Evolving scheduling software

Evolution 2021 and beyond – Evolving scheduling software

Developers Mike Stimson and Luke Berry discuss what’s new in Maptek Evolution, including how improved data interoperability is simplifying workflows and automating the mine planning–scheduling process.

Solution Video
PointStudio–Sentry simple zone transfer

PointStudio–Sentry simple zone transfer

Interoperability between Sentry and PointStudio allows you to transfer monitoring zones to help with monitoring, analysing and reporting on surface movements.

Solution Video
Drillhole Planning with Dan Part 5 – Reporting potential breakthroughs or hazards

Drillhole Planning with Dan Part 5 – Reporting potential breakthroughs or hazards

Drillhole Planning Reporting in Vulcan is a powerful tool to help identify potential breakthroughs or hazards with your planned drillholes.

How To Video
Enhanced Vulcan Underground Ring Design

Enhanced Vulcan Underground Ring Design

Vulcan Underground Ring Design has been overhauled to allow users to complete designs faster, enjoy superior visualisation and take advantage of templates, automated processes and enhanced reporting.

Solution Video
Drillhole Planning with Dan Part 4 – Underground production diamond drill design

Drillhole Planning with Dan Part 4 – Underground production diamond drill design

See how to create a production-focused underground diamond drill plan using the Create Drillholes tool in Vulcan. Part 5

How To Video
Drillhole Planning with Dan Part 3 – Life-of-mine conceptual drill design

Drillhole Planning with Dan Part 3 – Life-of-mine conceptual drill design

Learn how to use the new Create Drillholes tool in Vulcan to generate a life-of-mine conceptual drill design. Part 4

How To Video
Drillhole Planning with Dan Part 2 – Drill Rig Setup Specification

Drillhole Planning with Dan Part 2 – Drill Rig Setup Specification

Drill Rig Setup Specification lets you create a specification file that can be used in the Create Drillholes or Edit Drillholes tools to quickly and easily adjust the collar positions to align with underground drill rig setup constraints provided by drilling contractors. Part 3

How To Video
Drillhole Planning with Dan Part 1 – Deviation Calculation Manager

Drillhole Planning with Dan Part 1 – Deviation Calculation Manager

Drillholes are rarely straight – torque and rotation of drill bits, and the rock material itself, can cause them to deviate. Vulcan lets you analyse your existing drillholes and calculate the average deviation rates to inform your drillhole planning. Part 2

How To Video
Vulcan Drillhole Planning – Faster, safer and more repeatable design

Vulcan Drillhole Planning – Faster, safer and more repeatable design

The second phase of the new drillhole planning suite allows you to plan drillholes significantly faster than ever before and experience new ways to leverage existing drilling when planning future work.

Solution Video
Maptek scanners through the years: A transformation

Maptek scanners through the years: A transformation

Maptek laser scanners and PointStudio software have helped mining professionals visualise their point-cloud data for over 20 years! For our 40th anniversary, we honour that history with a laser scan of downtown Vancouver at sunset. Experience a breathtaking Vancouver visual brought to life by some of our latest imaging and scanning technologies.

How one of the world’s largest underground copper mines mitigates and manages risk

How one of the world’s largest underground copper mines mitigates and manages risk

Matt Sullivan, Senior Technical Expert and Strategic Geomechanical Specialist at PT Freeport Indonesia, shares his experience with underground solutions. Specifically, how PT Freeport Indonesia utilises advanced technology to mitigate and manage risk at one of the largest underground copper mining complexes in the world.

The journey from paper to digital mapping

The journey from paper to digital mapping

Hear from our panel of diverse industry professionals as they discuss their journey from paper to digital mapping, covering mapping practices and their views on digital mapping in the field. Maptek Geologist Maureen Moore hosts Terry Pavlis from the University of Texas, Ryan Pinguely from OceanaGold, and Nick Vetz and Mackenzie Sorensen from Rio Tinto Kennecott.

How to successfully establish business value with DomainMCF for geological modelling

How to successfully establish business value with DomainMCF for geological modelling

Take a journey through DomainMCF, Maptek’s new machine learning application for domain modelling, and experience a proven customer success model for evaluating this exciting new technology with Early Access industry partners. See how you can benefit from the latest Maptek solution and whether your challenging geological data might be a good fit.

Past, present, and future of data interoperability

Past, present, and future of data interoperability

As demand for mineral resources continues to grow, so does the importance of data interoperability at mine sites. Watch this webinar to hear Nick Venter, US Director of Sales at Maptek, and Jesse Oldham, Global Product Strategy Manager at Maptek, discuss the interoperability of Maptek products.

An exploration of grade control

An exploration of grade control

Hear from Cesar Carrasco, Customer Success Manager at Maptek, as he explores his favourite grade control tools to help maximise the value of your deposit.

Using drill & blast data to drive intelligent decisions

Using drill & blast data to drive intelligent decisions

Hear from Sawyer Schrader, Mining Engineer at Maptek, as he demonstrates how to drive intelligent decision making at mine sites by utilising results from a drill and blast management solution like Maptek BlastLogic. See how these results can drive proactive decisions, improve efficiency, and save your company money with minimal disruption to your site and blasting workflows.

Application of DomainMCF to marble quality classification

Application of DomainMCF to marble quality classification

This presentation applies DomainMCF to model the spatial distribution of marble quality parameters from an operational marble quarry in northeastern Greece. Learn how machine learning systems take advantage of the computing power of personal, embedded and cloud systems to rapidly build models of real processes, and how the results compare to those produced by a conventional estimation method.

Best practices in grade control and reconciliation

Best practices in grade control and reconciliation

Understanding grade distribution, optimising mining selectivity and controlling mining dilution and losses through good grade control routines are essential for achieving the mine plan. Hear from industry experts from SRK and Maptek who discuss best practices in grade control and reconciliation, and how effective reporting mechanisms can help improve business performance.

British mining renaissance and the future of battery minerals

British mining renaissance and the future of battery minerals

Mineral extraction will play a crucial role in the coming energy transition with demand for lithium projected to rise nearly 1000% by 2050. It is vital that these minerals are extracted in a responsible manner. Hear how Cornish Lithium is exploring for lithium in the south west of England, aiming to extract mineral resources using new technologies in the most environmentally responsible way possible.

Hutton’s Unconformity: The father of geology (now in 3D)

Hutton’s Unconformity: The father of geology (now in 3D)

James Hutton devoted his scientific knowledge, powers of observation and philosophical mind to the new subject of ‘geology’. Where past theologians had estimated the earth to be thousands of years old, Hutton was first to determine that the Earth was millions of years old and continually being formed. Learn about the history of geological thinking and the tremendous developments made by Hutton in the development of modern geology.

The minerals business of the Bronze Age: Origins of geopolitical and economic power struggles

The minerals business of the Bronze Age: Origins of geopolitical and economic power struggles

The Bronze Era was characterised by an expanding cultural universe of opulence, differentiation between rich and poor, contacts amongst nations and sagas of violence and drama. Access to tin, a relatively scarce metal used in the production of bronze, was a trading priority during that period. Hear how the close of the Bronze age led to voyages of discovery across the world, opening up new long-distance commercial contacts between traders.

“Bigger isn’t always better”- Alternative mining approaches for narrow vein orebodies

“Bigger isn’t always better”- Alternative mining approaches for narrow vein orebodies

Selection of development fleet and excavation dimensions can have a significant effect on project capital and operating costs for narrower orebodies. Hear how smaller, narrow vein specific equipment and methods allow mechanised mining to be selective and cost-effective, with case studies showing how a low volume approach has provided the opportunity to significantly change project metrics and viability.

Accurate, real-time production performance tracking and visualisation

Accurate, real-time production performance tracking and visualisation

A holistic approach to tracking and modelling production performance with Maptek material tracking closes the loop through effective, real time reconciliation of inventory and qualities through mining, blending and processing stages. Learn the insights you can gain from a graphical view of the status of the mine, alongside performance metrics against plans and goals.

How OHMS uses remote laser scanned discontinuity data for key block analysis

How OHMS uses remote laser scanned discontinuity data for key block analysis

Laser scanning on rock slopes at the Pilanesberg Platinum mine revealed that the orientation of the wall relative to discontinuity sets yielded incomplete structural data, leading to potentially biased discontinuity mapping. This presentation shows how the orientation bias was identified and resolved, to ensure that the structural database was complete and effective in identifying and quantifying the slope stability hazard.

What can improving your golf game teach us about mine optimisation?

What can improving your golf game teach us about mine optimisation?

Optimisation is often referenced in mining solutions. But what does optimisation really mean, and how can it be applied to everyday problems? We unpack the mechanics of the average golf game and show how we apply optimisation techniques to improve results, before applying our learnings in the dynamic mining environment.

Conformance to plan in the underground environment

Conformance to plan in the underground environment

Collecting contextually correct and accurate data, and reporting it in near real time presents logistical and practical challenges in a ‘dark’ mine. Learn how the latest technology identifies and eliminates process bottlenecks, and how true connection between orebody knowledge, production and safety enables conformance to plan.

Machine learning and cloud computing frameworks in engineering

Machine learning and cloud computing frameworks in engineering

DomainMCF applies machine learning to revolutionise modelling of domain boundaries. Parallel Maptek machine learning and cloud compute framework projects in the engineering space are also delivering outstanding results for underground stope orientation, blast design optimisation and resource levelling allocation.

The 5 Ws of optimisation – Who, What, When, Where, Why (and How)

The 5 Ws of optimisation – Who, What, When, Where, Why (and How)

Artificial intelligence and optimisation methods are the new paradigm for handling complex optimisation problems. Find out why these techniques are the best fit for integrated planning and decision-support systems such as drill & blast, scheduling and beyond, where multiple constraints are being imposed on a mining problem.

How MAXTA digital mine-to-mill and pit-to-port software sustains mine value chain optimisation

How MAXTA digital mine-to-mill and pit-to-port software sustains mine value chain optimisation

Watch this webinar to learn how digital twin technology enables machine learning to feed back actual mine and plant performance in operational decision making. PETRA’s MAXTA software portal allows access to a suite of applications along the entire value chain for improving geometallurgical prediction, simulating drill and blast performance and optimising plant set points to maximise ore recovery.

Extending the orbit for on-earth extreme environment mineral explorers

Extending the orbit for on-earth extreme environment mineral explorers

Watch this webinar to hear about Fleet Space Technologies role in the Seven Sisters mission, and how challenges in space are already being applied to on-Earth exploration via passive seismic tomography sensing techniques. Discover the exciting results arising from how mining companies use the new ‘cereal box-sized’ nanosatellites to identify vast, remote areas for exploration.

Good technology speaks for itself

Good technology speaks for itself

Accurate site survey drives safe, productive operations and guides adherence to plan, minimising unforeseen costs. Efficient collection and reporting of data must consider the contextual needs of the teams who use it. Hear from our panel about how the ideal technology partnership arms survey professionals to exceed their goals.

An award-winning approach to going digital in underground mining

An award-winning approach to going digital in underground mining

The introduction of electronic devices underground has changed the way we work. At Anglo American, this means a wide range of production, safety and environmental data is now available at operators’ fingertips. Learn how this improved communications and removed paper forms, assisting Anglo American’s transformation roadmap.

Producing complex financial models for an open cut multi-element operation

Producing complex financial models for an open cut multi-element operation

Explore a mine planning workflow that starts with pit optimisation and automated pit design in Vulcan that flows into pit staging and scheduling with haulage in Evolution. Learn how Havilah Resources applies Maptek software technology to produce complex financial models for their open cut copper-gold operation.

Geological modelling – a journey to the future

Geological modelling – a journey to the future

Maptek was founded on developing smart tools to help geologists. Forty years on a new, single interface to geological modelling allows us to consider geology and mining workflows as one continuous ecosystem. The new approach melds technologies and compute frameworks to deliver benefits for geologists and engineers alike.

Tips and Tricks: Predicting and analysing fragmentation

Tips and Tricks: Predicting and analysing fragmentation

PointStudio analysis used in conjunction with BlastLogic prediction capability allows you to see if oversized fragmentation is caused by a blast’s design or its execution, informing continual operational improvement.

How To Video
Geological Modeling using Machine Learning in a Production Environment

Geological Modeling using Machine Learning in a Production Environment

Hear directly from Gretchen Moore, Senior Rock Mechanics Engineer at Sibanye Stillwater, on her experience using DomainMCF to create geological models from Diamond Drill Hole data.

Integration – The future of geological modelling

Integration – The future of geological modelling

Take a first look at our new, integrated modelling solution—Vulcan GeologyCore. With a dynamic interface and streamlined workflow, it’s easy to test different domaining scenarios and see live statistics, giving you confidence in the data before sending it to an implicit modelling or machine learning engine.

Learn about the BlastLogic Tablet Online Training course

Learn about the BlastLogic Tablet Online Training course

Streamline drill & blast design, tracking and analysis with the Maptek Online Training BlastLogic Tablet course. Learn more here.

Solution Video
Integrated lidar and drone technologies for mine survey

Integrated lidar and drone technologies for mine survey

Capturing, processing and applying data from inaccessible areas is now easier than ever thanks to the partnership between Maptek and Emesent. Leveraging technologies to better capture data from inaccessible areas, including beyond-line-of-sight and GPS-denied environments, and efficiently processing the data using custom workflows generates more accurate information for decision making.

Maptek 40 years timeline

Maptek 40 years timeline

From a small office offering geological database and plotting services, Maptek has grown to a global technology business with more than 20,000 users spanning 90 countries.

Solution Video
Harnessing deposit complexity

Harnessing deposit complexity

Deposits are complex by nature, but a lack of time and resources prevents us from interpreting their richness and complexity in full. This open-forum webinar discusses the modern domain modelling challenges geologists are facing today, and how harnessing technology is key to overcoming them.

BlastLogic 2020.2 Fly rock modelling and optimised electronic timing

BlastLogic 2020.2 Fly rock modelling and optimised electronic timing

BlastLogic 2020.2 includes new Fly Rock Modelling and enhanced Electronic Timing Optimiser.

Solution Video
Evolution 2021 Faster scheduling, easier multitasking and smart tool windows

Evolution 2021 Faster scheduling, easier multitasking and smart tool windows

Enjoy seamless integration with other Maptek products, interactive waypoint creation and speed improvements for creating complex schedules and haulage setups in Evolution 2021. Tool windows are now intelligently shown, simplifying your working experience.

Solution Video
Learn about the Block Model Reserves Online Training course

Learn about the Block Model Reserves Online Training course

Sharpen your block model reserving skills with this Maptek Online Training course. See how to quickly prove the value of your deposit and substantiate your mine design. Learn more here.

Solution Video
Vein modelling workflows

Vein modelling workflows

Explore a new way of modelling narrow vein deposits using real-world data – an efficient process to combine a drillhole dataset, digital terrain model and other geophysical data into a 3D vein solid. This new approach demonstrates data management and geological modelling features that will form a part of our exciting in-development core geology toolset.

Fast drilling density evaluation and target creation

Fast drilling density evaluation and target creation

Vulcan Drillhole Planning automates repetitive tasks and saves you time generating drilling designs for both long-term conceptual and day-to-day production designs.

Solution Video
Vulcan Drillhole Planning – Phase 1

Vulcan Drillhole Planning – Phase 1

Learn about the first phase of the drillhole planning tool suite introduced in Vulcan 2020.2. Phase one includes Evaluate Drill Density and Create Drill Targets and lays the foundation for future game-changing functionality.

Vulcan Steep Horizon Modeller

Vulcan Steep Horizon Modeller

Vulcan Steep Horizon Modeller, previously known as the Vulcan Vein Modeller, has been rewritten to offer an enhanced solution for modelling multiple stratigraphically related horizons or individual non-stratigraphically related horizons directly from drilling or composite databases using drillholes approaching orebodies from any direction or at any orientation.

Introducing: Host Lock licensing

Introducing: Host Lock licensing

Host Lock licensing, the new default Maptek Account licensing method, means users can enjoy longer license sessions – even if they lose internet connection. Borrowing licenses to a TPM chip has also been replaced by host licensing.

How To Video
How to: End licence sessions to free up unused seats

How to: End licence sessions to free up unused seats

Maptek Account administrators now have the ability to end sessions to free up unused seats for other users. Users can request to resume sessions from within Maptek software.

How To Video
One blast management system, one source of truth

One blast management system, one source of truth

Do you have issues retrieving your drill and blast data when you need it most? Pen and paper might be to blame. BlastLogic gives you the power to take control of your drill and blast data.

Solution Video
Learn about the Data Analyser Basics Online Training course

Learn about the Data Analyser Basics Online Training course

Data Analyser Basics, available through Maptek Online Training, teaches how to use the advanced, intuitive, Vulcan Data Analyser tools for understanding geological and analytical data. Learn more here.

Solution Video
Towards greater certainty in resource modelling

Towards greater certainty in resource modelling

Machine learning is already providing breakthroughs in rapid, accurate resource modelling. Learn how being transparent about uncertainty actually improves confidence. The recording includes the Q&A from two sessions.

How to optimize your drilling program

How to optimize your drilling program

Better drilling results with less total spending is critical. In this webinar, we examine Drillhole Optimiser, a solution to help your geology team easily develop infill drilling plans that maximize resource recovery for a given budget.

Learn about the Block Model Modifications Online Training course

Learn about the Block Model Modifications Online Training course

The Maptek Online Training Block Model Modifications course teaches techniques for modifying existing block models, including flagging blocks, composing block calculation files, combining block models, and editing their structure. Learn more here.

Solution Video
The blasted software conundrum: One central system vs. siloed software

The blasted software conundrum: One central system vs. siloed software

Join this webinar to learn how one central blast management system outperforms multiple siloed software during the blasting process.

Answering the open pit scheduling challenge

Answering the open pit scheduling challenge

Can challenging ourselves to think differently about scheduling pain points provide the key to unlocking new approaches and ultimately success? Our expert panel of mining engineers discuss these issues and more.

Evolution 2020 Intuitive, connected mine scheduling

Evolution 2020 Intuitive, connected mine scheduling

Evolution 2020 brings a fresh design, greater integration, and power and speed improvements to facilitate faster, more accurate mine scheduling.

Solution Video
Transforming mine scheduling

Transforming mine scheduling

Meet key members of the team behind our scheduling solution Evolution and find out about the foundations of the software, its development and what to expect from the 2020 release.

Solution Video
Connecting value chain optimisation with everyday processes

Connecting value chain optimisation with everyday processes

Maptek Vulcan and Evolution can now unlock the power of MAXTA GEOMET in day-to-day planning and scheduling workflows.

Solution Video
Adding value to point cloud data

Adding value to point cloud data

Maptek and PETRA have collaborated to combine FRAGx and PointStudio to enable quick, machine-learning powered fragmentation analysis on a wide variety of point cloud types.

Solution Video
A new partnership for SLAM data processing

A new partnership for SLAM data processing

Maptek and Emesent have joined forces to deliver unprecedented insights to the resources sector. Leveraging the best data processing software in the game lets you embrace game-changing data capture technologies.

Solution Video
Underground design conformance 101

Underground design conformance 101

Learn how to improve operational efficiency, productivity and safety by analysing your as-builts for design conformance.

Introducing: CAD feature coding

Introducing: CAD feature coding

The new Feature option in the CAD digitisation tools allows for greater customisation and project organisation. Combine object properties such as colour, line thickness and stipple pattern, along with user-specified attributes, into a named feature that can then be applied to objects in one operation.

How To Video
Introducing: Discontinuity attributes

Introducing: Discontinuity attributes

PointStudio 2020 streamlines your workflow by allowing new discontinuities created with the query, smart query or extract discontinuities tools to automatically have specified default attribute values. Discontinuity attributes can also be applied or amended for any discontinuity or discontinuity set with existing project data.

How To Video
Introducing: Inter-ramp compliance reporting

Introducing: Inter-ramp compliance reporting

Learn about how the Inter-Ramp Compliance module allows geotechnical engineers to perform digital slope analysis, facilitating slope steepening programs, slope optimisation and design alterations.

How To Video
Introducing: Enhanced Coordinate Systems tools

Introducing: Enhanced Coordinate Systems tools

PointStudio 2020 includes support for new coordinate systems such as GDA2020, has streamlined the way transfers are performed and features an updated World Magnetic Model.

How To Video
Introducing: Underground mesh filtering

Introducing: Underground mesh filtering

The new Underground Mesh Filter will help you produce more detailed and accurate surfaces, making geotechnical analysis and reporting easier.

How To Video
Introducing: In-field scan registration

Introducing: In-field scan registration

Maptek R3 scanner users can now register scans live in the field on the tablet controller, saving time and improving workflows by showing exactly what data has been captured.

How To Video
Introducing: Updated scan registration verification

Introducing: Updated scan registration verification

Quickly and easily assess your laser scan data is correctly registered, perform automatic fixes and produce comprehensive reports with the updated PointStudio Verify Registration tool.

How To Video
PointStudio 2020 Powerful spatial measurement and reporting

PointStudio 2020 Powerful spatial measurement and reporting

PointStudio 2020 makes working with spatial measurement data a breeze. The latest release features new Fragmentation Analysis alongside updated CAD, geotechnical, mesh filtering and registration capabilities.

Solution Video
Vulcan Coal Washability

Vulcan Coal Washability

Vulcan Coal Washability lets you easily and efficiently incorporate washability data with your structural, run of mine and quality data to optimise your mining operation for product.

Solution Video
Evolution Uncertainty modelling

Evolution Uncertainty modelling

Quantifying geological uncertainty has a myriad of benefits for mining operations. Maptek Evolution 2020 enables simultaneous scheduling of multiple models and visualisation of the uncertainty in the results.

Solution Video
Introducing PointStudio Fragmentation Analysis

Introducing PointStudio Fragmentation Analysis

PointStudio Fragmentation Analysis gives a better understanding of blast results, leading to impressive downstream cost efficiency in excavation and haulage, crushing and processing.

Solution Video
Is geomorphic reclamation better than traditional?

Is geomorphic reclamation better than traditional?

This webinar will show you the main reasons why geomorphic reclamation is worth planning for from the onset regardless of topography and operation size. Tune in to find out why geomorphic reclamation is better than traditional reclamation in some cases.

Introducing Enhanced Automated Pit Designer

Introducing Enhanced Automated Pit Designer

Enhanced Vulcan Automated Pit Designer and Vulcan Pit Optimiser can dramatically improve your pit design process, reducing the time taken to go from optimised pit outputs to a final pit design complete with ramps.

Solution Video
Market yourself as a mining industry professional and gain valuable interview skills

Market yourself as a mining industry professional and gain valuable interview skills

Looking for a job in the mining industry? This webinar will give you an insight into what employers are currently looking for from potential employees, and teach you skills to land your dream job in the mining industry.

Coal Washability in Vulcan 2020

Coal Washability in Vulcan 2020

Coal Washability helps you better understand your coal quality, improving downstream processes such as scheduling. See a detailed overview of the main features of the tool and how it can benefit your operation.

Why Automated Pit Designer? Talking iterative pit design

Why Automated Pit Designer? Talking iterative pit design

Matthew Deutsch and Brandon Richardson have played key roles in developing Vulcan Automated Pit Designer. Hear from them about how it saves time and effort in iterative pit design.

Solution Video
Introducing Vulcan Drillhole Optimiser

Introducing Vulcan Drillhole Optimiser

Vulcan Drillhole Optimiser provides a faster, better method for geology teams planning infill drilling programs by allowing them to work more productively. Mine management can review and choose from different budget options to meet the needs of their operation.

Solution Video
Why Vulcan? Helping mines make more informed decisions

Why Vulcan? Helping mines make more informed decisions

An interview with Group Product Manager – Mine Planning Jesse Oldham about the release of Vulcan 2020 and how it will give mining operations more confidence in their plans and designs.

Solution Video
Vulcan 2020 Integrated geology and optimised mine design

Vulcan 2020 Integrated geology and optimised mine design

Vulcan 2020 continues the Maptek tradition of developing technology to improve mining operations.

Solution Video
The 3 ingredients for robust geologic models: Thought, culture, and tech

The 3 ingredients for robust geologic models: Thought, culture, and tech

To create a model with greater accuracy, mine sites need to create a culture with a compromise between technological tools and proper geologic thought. In this webinar, we will discuss the value of applying geologic thought in your modeling process and provide you with recommendations to get there.

Machine learning for resource modelling

Machine learning for resource modelling

This webinar outlines the power and functionality of DomainMCF for resource modelling. A short video is followed by the Q&A session from the APAC-Americas session (from 16:05), and then the Europe, Middle East and African session questions (from 54:40).

Tips and Tricks: Automated pit design

Tips and Tricks: Automated pit design

See how quickly you can create optimised pit designs complete with ramps and dynamic editing using Vulcan Automated Pit Designer.

How To Video
Strategic scheduling in the face of uncertainty

Strategic scheduling in the face of uncertainty

It is essential to build and evaluate a variety of mine scenarios to ensure you provide the best value to shareholders. Maptek has developed Evolution Strategy to help planners create optimized schedules within practical mining constraints that can be effectively communicated to both the boardroom and operations.

Solution Video
Introducing Maptek DomainMCF

Introducing Maptek DomainMCF

DomainMCF is a new paradigm for domain modelling which applies machine learning to rapidly create resource models.

Solution Video
Introducing: Tablet-based inventory management

Introducing: Tablet-based inventory management

BlastLogic 2020 enables inventory management through the tablet device, allowing the easy check-in and check-out of explosive consumables and bulk explosives to specific blasts in the field, facilitating data-driven decision making, and providing a full audit trail of inventory movements.

How To Video
Why BlastLogic? Unlocking value through drill and blast

Why BlastLogic? Unlocking value through drill and blast

Maptek Group Product Manager – Mine Operations Mark Roberts explains why BlastLogic has gained such strong market traction, what’s new in the 2020 release and what’s to come from Maptek for drill and blast.

Solution Video
BlastLogic 2020 Advanced blast design and reconciliation

BlastLogic 2020 Advanced blast design and reconciliation

BlastLogic 2020 comes with new functionality and enhanced tools to optimise drill and blast, streamline use of measurement while drilling data and improve inventory control.

Solution Video
Is mapping the basics still worth it?

Is mapping the basics still worth it?

Mapping plays a crucial role in every mining operation and at every stage of the mining cycle. So crucial in fact, that without proper mapping practices, an entire operation could be at risk to fail. This webinar illustrates the connection between mapping lithology, structure, alteration, and mineralization and the success of your operation across the mining cycle.


Webinar: Is mapping the basics still worth it? A look at how mapping impacts the mining cycle

Join this webinar to discover the connection between mapping lithology, structure, alteration, and mineralization and the success of your operation across the mining cycle.

Enhanced narrow vein modelling

Enhanced narrow vein modelling

The nature of narrow vein deposits has traditionally made modelling them a challenge. Enhancements to Maptek Eureka make it easy to rapidly build valid vein solids which can be used in block models for mine planning and reserving. See how the intuitive tools and display allow you to be as interactive and creative as you like. See more Maptek Forums 2020 here:

Open your eyes to the possibilities of Python scripting

Open your eyes to the possibilities of Python scripting

Using scripting to automate processes or work with large arrays of data is not new, but the perception that Python is complex to set up and run means people may be missing out on the benefits. Discover the benefits of automating repetitive processes and how access to the Vulcan library allows you to interrogate, analyse and extend the value of your project data for creating custom solutions. See more Maptek Forums 2020 here:

Processing and modelling workflows for point cloud data – Americas

Processing and modelling workflows for point cloud data – Americas

Automated processing of spatial survey data helps generate results fast. See a demonstration of example workflows that can help you work more efficiently and effectively. See more Maptek Forums 2020 here:

Optimise on pit design with Vulcan

Optimise on pit design with Vulcan

Understand the value of your deposit without the need to export data to third-party software. See how to automatically generate pit designs with ramps, create pit surfaces and solids, and reserve on-the-fly. Discover a dynamic engineering process that reduces manual work and results in optimal pit designs. See more Maptek Forums 2020 here:

Validation for grade control block models – Americas

Validation for grade control block models – Americas

Want to understand the importance of ensuring your grade control block model is properly validated and how streamlining processes provides greater confidence in your grade control? This webinar outlines how you can efficiently apply the latest automated processes in Vulcan to maximise the value of your operation by making sure grade control polygons truly represent geology. See more Maptek Forums 2020 here:

Introducing Vulcan Underground digital mapping

Introducing Vulcan Underground digital mapping

The Vulcan underground mapping tool suite lets you transform paper-based underground mapping into a digital workflow by mapping underground faces directly into Vulcan using a ruggedised tablet.

Solution Video
Maximise project value with Evolution Strategy

Maximise project value with Evolution Strategy

Evolution Strategy is the ideal solution for running scenarios based on cut-off grade optimisation and sequencing to maximise NPV. Learn how Evolution models multi-process, multi-mine operations with multiple constraints to deliver high-value schedules for mining to plan. See more Maptek Forums 2020 here:

What’s new in Evolution 6.3

What’s new in Evolution 6.3

Evolution 6.3 introduces a new a spatial dependency generator, improved equipment downrating and a streamlined reblocking interface to improve usability.

Solution Video
Tips and Tricks: Importing georeferenced images

Tips and Tricks: Importing georeferenced images

Improve your exploration projects by viewing and analysing a range of geophysical data from registered images, such as ECW, WMS, GeoTIFF, ArcGIS/MapInfo and JPEG2000 files. It’s easy to do so in Vulcan.

How To Video
Inter-Ramp Compliance reporting for safer mining – Americas

Inter-Ramp Compliance reporting for safer mining – Americas

Learn how you can quickly check compliance of catch bench widths, inter-ramp slope angles and overall bench slope angles for safer excavation. The new Inter-Ramp Compliance tool helps you determine if parameters need to be adjusted for safe, economical mining. See more Maptek Forums 2020 here:

Explore the scheduling flexibility of Evolution Epoch 21 + 7

Explore the scheduling flexibility of Evolution Epoch 21 + 7

Take your scheduling to the next level with Evolution Epoch for short term planning. Learn how you can efficiently manage multiple mining activities, tasks and equipment, and apply different types of dependencies, all within a flexible environment for defining mining sequences. A live dashboard for analysing multiple sequences to guide the execution level, and data integration between Evolution and Vulcan are just two of the benefits of the Maptek approach. See more Maptek Forums 2020 here:

Validation for grade control block models

Validation for grade control block models

Want to understand the importance of ensuring your grade control block model is properly validated and how streamlining processes provides greater confidence in your grade control? This webinar outlines how you can efficiently apply the latest automated processes in Vulcan to maximise the value of your operation by making sure grade control polygons truly represent geology. See more Maptek Forums 2020 here:

Processing and modelling workflows for point cloud data

Processing and modelling workflows for point cloud data

Automated processing of spatial survey data helps generate results fast. See a demonstration of example workflows that can help you work more efficiently and effectively. See more Maptek Forums 2020 here:

Inter-Ramp Compliance reporting for safer mining

Inter-Ramp Compliance reporting for safer mining

Learn how you can quickly check compliance of catch bench widths, inter-ramp slope angles and overall bench slope angles for safer excavation. The new Inter-Ramp Compliance tool helps you determine if parameters need to be adjusted for safe, economical mining. See more Maptek Forums 2020 here:

Innovative charge design – Americas

Innovative charge design – Americas

BlastLogic supports engineering workflows, reduces downtime and enables data-driven decision making. See how an innovative approach to charge design allows for dynamic changes in the field based on observations of pit conditions. See more Maptek Forums 2020 here:

Innovative charge design

Innovative charge design

BlastLogic supports engineering workflows, reduces downtime and enables data-driven decision making. See how an innovative approach to charge design allows for dynamic changes in the field based on observations of pit conditions. See more Maptek Forums 2020 here:

What is Maptek Extend?

What is Maptek Extend?

Maptek Extend increases the utility and automation of existing Maptek software by facilitating custom scripting, letting you add value to Maptek applications.

Solution Video
Inter-Ramp Compliance

Inter-Ramp Compliance

Inter-Ramp Compliance is an effective, efficient way to report on bench face angles and catch bench widths by highlighting how well wall angles and catch bench widths comply with user-defined tolerances.

Solution Video
What’s new in Evolution 6.2

What’s new in Evolution 6.2

Evolution 6.2 now supports reserving functionality directly inside Evolution, automated engine testing, real-time resource assignment, a condensed resource Gantt view and an Advanced Equipment Downrating feature. Evolution 6.2 also includes stability improvements, bug fixes and improved MIK support. Download the latest version of Evolution from the workbench today.

Solution Video
What’s new in Vulcan 12.0.3

What’s new in Vulcan 12.0.3

Vulcan 12.0.3 supports the new GDA2020 coordinates system to help Australian users account for continental drift and features improvements to Vulcan Data Analyser, Compliance, Short Term Planner, HARP Run of Mine and Washability. Download the latest version from your Maptek Account, or the Users Area now.

Solution Video
Learn about the Block Model Import Export Online Training course

Learn about the Block Model Import Export Online Training course

The Maptek Online Training Block Model Import and Export course teaches how to import block models from ASCII files, CSV files, Datamine, MineSight, or Whittle into Vulcan. Export block model files from Vulcan to Whittle, ASCII or CSV. Discover how to determine the import parameters from your ASCII, or CSV files, with several interactive query techniques. Learn more here.

Solution Video
Rediscover the power of Vulcan for mine geology – Part II

Rediscover the power of Vulcan for mine geology – Part II

Geologists Steve Sullivan and Lance Steel showcase some of their favourite Vulcan features to streamline your modelling practices. Learn about importing aerial and satellite imagery, drift analysis, viewing composite data, declustering and contact profile analysis.

Learn about the Block Model Viewing Online Training course

Learn about the Block Model Viewing Online Training course

The Block Model Viewing course, available from Maptek Online Training, gives geologists and mining engineers the skills they need to dynamically view and query block models – and tips to streamline workflows. Learn more here.

Solution Video
Webinar: Presenting Data in Vulcan

Webinar: Presenting Data in Vulcan

Most technical staff spend countless hours generating, reviewing and consuming data. This webinar offers tips and tricks on how to enhance your data presentations quickly and effectively in Vulcan.

Learn about the Block Model Essentials Online Training course

Learn about the Block Model Essentials Online Training course

The Maptek Online Training Block Model Essentials course teaches the basics of Vulcan Block Models, their structure, legends, and selection criteria. Learn more here.

Solution Video
BlastLogic streamlines drill and blast

BlastLogic streamlines drill and blast

Enhanced reporting, blast design and visualisation tools and Vulcan data integration ensure that BlastLogic streamlines your drill and blast process.

Solution Video
Advanced Evolution scheduling

Advanced Evolution scheduling

The latest version of Maptek scheduling solution Evolution delivers improvements for multi-element cutoff grade optimisation, capital expenditure decisions, setup and reporting.

Solution Video
Introducing Evolution Epoch

Introducing Evolution Epoch

Evolution Epoch produces practical short term schedules aligned with life-of-mine objectives.

Solution Video
Webinar: Integrating mine planning across the value chain

Webinar: Integrating mine planning across the value chain

Learn how to unleash the capacity of PETRA MAXTA digital twin models by dynamically updating your mine plans using historical production data. Seamless integration of this performance data with Maptek Vulcan can improve productivity at your operation.

What’s new in Vulcan

What’s new in Vulcan

The latest version of Vulcan features a raft of new tools and enhancements for geologists and engineers on top of performance and usability improvements.

Solution Video
Introducing Maptek Extend

Introducing Maptek Extend

Maptek Extend is a new licence for customers using the Workflow Editor and Python scripting functionality.

Solution Video
Tips and Tricks: Bring dynamic external data into your mine designs

Tips and Tricks: Bring dynamic external data into your mine designs

Learn how to use the Intelligent Objects function. Bring in dynamic, up-to-date data on stockpile levels or equipment positions in your Vulcan mine designs. Find out more about Maptek Training here.

How To Video
Tips and Tricks: Customise your Vulcan preferences

Tips and Tricks: Customise your Vulcan preferences

Learn how to set up Vulcan just the way you like it. In this video, Nosipho Ntatleng shows you how to adjust some of the most popular Vulcan preferences. Find out more about Maptek Training here.

How To Video
Tips and Tricks: Finding and saving drillholes

Tips and Tricks: Finding and saving drillholes

Understand how to use the Find Objects and Create/Modify Locate tools in Vulcan to find and save specific drillholes from your database.

How To Video
Introducing: Kriging Neighbourhood Analysis optimisation

Introducing: Kriging Neighbourhood Analysis optimisation

Learn about the four different types of optimisation available in Vulcan Kriging Neighbourhood Analysis.

How To Video
Introducing: Implicit Modelling Editor

Introducing: Implicit Modelling Editor

See how Vulcan Implicit Modelling Editor quickly creates 3D models of deposits.

How To Video
Tips and Tricks: Filtering data in Vulcan Data Analyser

Tips and Tricks: Filtering data in Vulcan Data Analyser

Learn how to view and filter data in Vulcan Data Analyser for both fan variograms and histograms.

How To Video
Tips and Tricks: Building solid models

Tips and Tricks: Building solid models

See how to use different types of data registered in 3D to build solid models in Vulcan.

How To Video
BlastLogic blast design and reconciliation

BlastLogic blast design and reconciliation

BlastLogic combines industry leading design tools with the ability to track the accurate and safe execution of processes. Learn how BlastLogic is relied on to unlock value in drill and blast.

Solution Video
Introducing: Display ellipsoid sample selection

Introducing: Display ellipsoid sample selection

New ellipsoid display dynamically updates the samples that will be selected for use in grade estimation as the ellipsoid boundary changes. (more…)

How To Video
Tips and Tricks: Mapping structures from televiewer data

Tips and Tricks: Mapping structures from televiewer data

See how to simply map structures from acoustic televiewer data and add the details to a geotechnical database in Vulcan.

How To Video
Tips and Tricks: Displaying associated core tray photography

Tips and Tricks: Displaying associated core tray photography

The ability to display core tray photos associated with drillholes with the click of a mouse in Vulcan aids geological interpretation.

How To Video
Tips and Tricks: Making your day-to-day Vulcan use more efficient

Tips and Tricks: Making your day-to-day Vulcan use more efficient

Learn how search functions, shortcuts, personalising your Vulcan Explorer and using customised menus and view settings can help you save time in your day-to-day work.

How To Video
Road network validation

Road network validation

Path Interpolation can now be turned on or off in Maptek Evolution, allowing users to quickly see where errors may lie in a road network.

Solution Video
Making the most of mining data – Maptek MD interview

Making the most of mining data – Maptek MD interview

Maptek Managing Director Peter Johnson speaks to the Minerals Council of Australia’s at the inaugural MCA Modern Mining Innovation Showcase.

Solution Video
Tips and Tricks: Advanced snapping

Tips and Tricks: Advanced snapping

Do you regularly create mine designs in Vulcan? Save time and improve precision with some handy ways to add new points to existing data. Learn more about Maptek Training here.

How To Video
Webinar: Rediscover the power of Vulcan for mine geology

Webinar: Rediscover the power of Vulcan for mine geology

When faced with a comprehensive set of mine planning tools, even the most experienced Vulcan user can miss some features. Watch to rediscover key Vulcan tools and how to incorporate them in your geology workflow.

Tackling complex scheduling problems

Tackling complex scheduling problems

Maptek Evolution enhances medium, long-term and strategic life-of-mine scheduling, reducing operating costs and maximising the value of deposits.

Solution Video
Tips and Tricks: Using a Command List to streamline labelling dip and strike for triangulations

Tips and Tricks: Using a Command List to streamline labelling dip and strike for triangulations

Workbench Command Lists can streamline processes such as labelling dip and strike for triangulations into simple, automated workflows. Find out more about how to label dip and strike in Vulcan here.

How To Video
Tips and Tricks: Labelling dip and strike for triangulations

Tips and Tricks: Labelling dip and strike for triangulations

See how easy it is to label dip and strike for triangulations in Vulcan. See how to streamline this using a Command List here.

How To Video
Learn about the Introduction to Vulcan Online Training course

Learn about the Introduction to Vulcan Online Training course

Learn about the Introduction to Vulcan Maptek Online Training course. This comprehensive course provides you with all the basic skills you need to analyse exploration data, build triangulation models, and design your mine. Learn more here.

Solution Video
Learn about the Getting Started with Design Data Online Training course

Learn about the Getting Started with Design Data Online Training course

The Getting Started with Design Data course, available through Maptek Online Training, teaches you how to create, modify, and analyse Vulcan design data. Learn more here.

Solution Video
Introducing PointStudio 8

Introducing PointStudio 8

PointStudio 8 is the new generation of software for processing and modelling 3D spatial data.

Solution Video
How to: Offset lines

How to: Offset lines

Learn about how to use the Offset line to surface tool in PointStudio to project toe, crest and other CAD lines at an angle onto a surface.

How To Video
Tips and Tricks: Underground reporting

Tips and Tricks: Underground reporting

PointStudio features automated report preparation for easily comparing designed solids against surveyed solids to identify overbreak and underbreak.

How To Video
How to: Extend Discontinuity Planes

How to: Extend Discontinuity Planes

Learn how to Extend Discontinuity Planes to analyse blast block solids and pit advancement solids with a single click in PointStudio.

How To Video
Introducing: Visual improvements

Introducing: Visual improvements

Find out about the visual improvements in PointStudio such as the new ribbon interface, enhanced view properties and the ability to undock panels.

How To Video
Maptek Sentry. Making mines safer.

Maptek Sentry. Making mines safer.

Open pit and underground mines use Sentry to sustain safe operating environments and meet crucial safety targets.

Solution Video
Sentry slope monitoring case study

Sentry slope monitoring case study

Learn how Maptek Sentry has become a critical piece of the slope monitoring program at an Idaho phosphate mine with Superintendent of Mine Engineering, Mark Chapman.

Solution Video
Python Scripting for Vulcan

Python Scripting for Vulcan

Python Scripting for Vulcan can automate repetitive tasks, save time and create repeatable workflows. Learn how to use Python to read and write files in a directory, manipulate block models and Isis databases and create your own panels to select and manipulate Vulcan objects.

Solution Video
Learn about the Getting Started with Drillholes and Databases Online Training course

Learn about the Getting Started with Drillholes and Databases Online Training course

The Getting Started with Drillholes and Databases course, available through Maptek Online Training, teaches the fundamentals of Vulcan Drillhole and Database creation, validation and visualisation. Learn more here.

Solution Video
Learn about the Vulcan Essentials Mini-Course

Learn about the Vulcan Essentials Mini-Course

The Vulcan Essentials Mini-Course, available through Maptek Online Training, will help customers get to know the fundamentals of Vulcan. Learn more here.

Solution Video
Workflow Editor and Vulcan

Workflow Editor and Vulcan

Streamline routine tasks by incorporating Vulcan menu items, command line executables and scripting capabilities with Workbench tools and custom components to automate processes with the new Workflow Editor.

Solution Video
Vulcan 3D Geological Sculpting

Vulcan 3D Geological Sculpting

Interactively modify solids in freehand mode with 3D Geological Sculpting to gain greater control when modelling geological domains.

Solution Video
Vulcan Panel Caving Designer

Vulcan Panel Caving Designer

Panel Caving Designer allows users to efficiently plan, design infrastructure and output operational stages for scheduling.

Solution Video
Training the trainers

Training the trainers

Professors from some of North America’s top technical universities discuss the benefits of the Maptek Train the Trainers program for them and their students. Learn more here.

Solution Video
Sentry world-class monitoring solution

Sentry world-class monitoring solution

Sentry is a versatile system for remote monitoring and risk management. It combines a Maptek laser scanner with sophisticated software to cost-effectively monitor, analyse and report on movements.

Solution Video
Evolution coal deposit scheduling

Evolution coal deposit scheduling

Maptek Evolution saves users time creating, animating and analysing optimised schedules from coal seams.

Solution Video
Sentry Kanmantoo case study

Sentry Kanmantoo case study

Hillgrove Resources Ltd Senior Geotechnical Engineer Bruce Hutchison discusses how the company uses Maptek Sentry for monitoring at the Kanmantoo Copper Mine.

Solution Video
BlastLogic charge rule scripting

BlastLogic charge rule scripting

The latest update to BlastLogic includes features which allow users to quickly build charge rules scripts and edit and interactively debug them using an external integrated (more…)

Solution Video
BlastLogic OData Service

BlastLogic OData Service

The BlastLogic OData Service provides a flexible way to access and distribute drill and blast data, allowing users to build custom reports, benchmark across multiple mines and interface data from BlastLogic to third-party clients.

Solution Video
Introducing 3D Geological Sculpting

Introducing 3D Geological Sculpting

Vulcan 3D Geological Sculpting gives users ultimate interactive control to modify solids and surfaces in freehand mode by pinching and smoothing to better represent (more…)

Solution Video
Introducing Vulcan Grade Control Optimiser

Introducing Vulcan Grade Control Optimiser

Making decisions on ore and waste is a huge responsibility. Software that automatically defines optimised polygons and runs multiple scenarios saves time and helps prevent (more…)

Solution Video
Learn about the Getting Started with Orebody Modelling Online Training course

Learn about the Getting Started with Orebody Modelling Online Training course

The Getting Started with Orebody Modelling course, available through Maptek Online Training, teaches best practices for creating triangulations in Vulcan. Learn more here.

Solution Video
What is Maptek Online Training?

What is Maptek Online Training?

Find out about how you can undertake professional development at your own pace and convenience with easy to access, economical Maptek Online Training. Learn more here.

Solution Video
Maptek Corporate Overview

Maptek Corporate Overview

Maptek has been delivering groundbreaking mining solutions since 1981.

Solution Video
Manage and report stockpile volumes

Manage and report stockpile volumes

I-Site solutions help ensure accurate reporting of your stockpile makeup and volume.

Solution Video