Online Training Courses

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Introduction to PointStudio

Discover how to leverage your scan data for visualisation, volumetrics, and hazards analysis.

Main Topics

  • PointStudio Essentials
  • Register Scan Data
  • Create and Update Triangulation Models
  • Generate Weekly or Monthly Volumetric Reports
  • Leverage Triangulations for Hazard Analysis

PointStudio Triangulation Analysis

Do you need to generate current, accurate reports of volumetrics or material movement? Discover how you can quickly update and leverage your existing triangulation models to track material movement or analyse potential site hazards.

Main Topics

  • Analyse volumetrics and generate insightful reports.
  • Perform important updates to your triangulation models.
  • Identify and mitigate potential site hazards.
  • Discover tips and tricks to help you work dynamically and visually with your data.

PointStudio CAD Objects

Discover how you can generate CAD data to meet common site requests. Annotate your data with text, grade, or helpful dimensions.

Main Topics

  • Generate and refine CAD data to reflect real-world conditions.
  • Query and annotate grade of your slope, road, or ramp.
  • Create contour, section profile, and spot height data.

Vulcan Essentials Mini-Course Free

Are you getting started with Vulcan? Lay the foundation of your skills while you view data and customise the interface to meet your needs.

Main Topics

  • Load and view existing Vulcan data.
  • Configure preferences to streamline your daily tasks.
  • Create reproducible section views for analysis, modelling, and mine design.
Also available in French

Open Pit Design Basics

Need to generate preliminary pit and dump designs faster? Discover how Vulcan tools can help you design mines that can conform to your site parameters.

Main Topics

  • Design pits that respect geotechnical and equipment parameters
  • Generate dump designs that target specific tonnages or extents
  • Obtain volumetrics of benches, cuts, or material movement

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Open Pit Design Essentials Free

Are you getting started with open pit mine design in Vulcan? Perhaps you need to verify an existing open pit design. In this course, discover how to view mine data and establish the basics you need to expand on your open pit mine design skills.

Main Topics

  • Gain an understanding of key concepts of Vulcan pit design
  • Discover how design data attributes help you create safer mine designs quickly
  • Analyse and view your mine data in both 3D and section views

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PointStudio Model Points

Do you need to report on volumetrics? The key to precise volume reports is an accurate triangulation. You will discover many methods for transforming your scan data into valid representations of your site.

Main Topics

  • Filter your points for the most accurate surfaces
  • Explore and compare triangulation methods
  • Incorporate your newest scans

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PointStudio Essentials Free

Are you new to PointStudio? This free Online Training mini-course will help you load and view existing data.

Main Topics

  • Load and view data
  • Configure settings for efficiency
  • Create Action Planes for section work

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PointStudio Registration

Need to import scans into PointStudio? Discover how to import your scans and register them to create an accurate representation of your site.

Main Topics

  • Import scan and survey data
  • Discover several registration methods
  • Identify and troubleshoot registration issues

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A tablet running BlastLogic.

BlastLogic Tablet

Discover how to leverage your BlastLogic tablet to provide real-time updates to increase blast crew efficiency.

Main Topics

  • Live field recording
  • Easily apply changes
  • Quickly identify misfires

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Block Model Reserves

Generate robust, intuitive, reserve reports to prove the value of your deposit.

Main Topics

  • Generate custom reserve reports
  • Break down reserves into categories
  • Produce grade-tonnage reports

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Introduction to Block Models

Discover how to leverage your model for optimal mine designs and reserve calculations.

Main Topics

  • Block Model Essentials
  • Import and Export Models
  • View Block Models
  • Perform Robust Calculations
  • Report Reserves

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Data Analyser Basics

Evaluate your data and create professional statistical charts with Data Analyser.

Main Topics

  • Data Analyser interface
  • Univariate charts
  • Bivariate analysis
  • Custom groups, filters, and domains

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Block Model Modifications

Discover how to modify variable values in your existing model. You will flag blocks with values based upon spatial extents defined by polygons or triangulations. Dive into block model scripts that allow for powerful, reproducible, auditable calculations.

Main Topics

  • General modifications
  • Polygon flags
  • Triangulation flags
  • Block model calculations

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Block Model Import and

Learn how you can import and export block models and obtain required block model parameters from raw data.

Main Topics

  • Import tools
  • Export tools
  • Analyse raw data

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Block Model Essentials Free

Are you new to block models? This free online training mini-course will help you understand the core structures and functionality of block models.

Main Topics

  • Block Model Basics
  • Model Creation
  • Block Legends
  • Block Selection Criteria

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Block Model Viewing

Discover how you can view and analyse your block model for validation, analysis, and mine design.

Main Topics

  • Dynamic View
  • Query Blocks
  • Other Views

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Open Pit Drill and Blast

Drill into best practices for optimising your drill and blast pattern designs and increasing blast safety.

Main Topics

  • Best practices for drill pattern design.
  • How to tie-up blast holes and run analyses on your explosives design.
  • Techniques to help you adjust your blast for optimal safety.
  • Tips on modifying existing blasts and blast holes.

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Introduction to Vulcan

Are you new to Vulcan or do you need a refresher? Build a solid foundation of design data, triangulation, drillhole, and database knowledge in this introductory course.

Main Topics

  • How to set up Vulcan to streamline your workflow
  • Best practices for working with your exploration data
  • How to visualize data in real-world space
  • Tips-and-tricks for creating and troubleshooting triangulations

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Getting Started with Design Data

Take this online course to learn best practices for creating, working with, and analysing, your design data.

Main Topics

  • How to create, modify, and analyse 3D structures and geologic interpretations.
  • Best practices for applying design attributes and features for data consistency.
  • To intuitively work in section and rotated views.
  • How to optimise your workflow with new tools and tips.

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Getting Started with Drillholes and Databases

Learn how to view, analyse, and modify drillhole data quickly and easily with Vulcan.

Main Topics

  • Create Databases
  • Database Connection
  • Legends
  • View Drillholes
  • Data Validation
  • Analyse Data
  • Edit Databases
  • Drillhole Planning

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Getting Started with Orebody Modelling

Discover how to create Vulcan surface and solid triangulations and validate your result for use in other Vulcan options, such as Reserves.

Main Topics

  • Triangulation Overview
  • Create Triangulations
  • Validate Triangulations
  • Triangulate Complex Orebodies
  • Common Workflow Solutions
  • Repair Triangulations

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