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PointStudio CAD Objects

Leverage CAD objects and explore tools to generate CAD data of important site features

Utilise CAD objects, create features, and annotate CAD data

Discover how you can generate CAD data to meet common site requests. Annotate your data with text, grade, or helpful dimensions. Quickly generate boundary polygons, automatically trace features present in scans or triangulations, and refine your CAD data for professional results. Discover tools that help you create accurate representations of spot heights, contours, or section profiles.

Here's what you will learn from this PointStudio CAD Objects course for open pit and underground mines


Create informational markers and annotations as CAD data.

Leverage CAD Objects

Quickly generate objects from existing triangulations.

Create Features

Generate CAD data of important site features.

Smooth existing CAD data

Create and smooth CAD data for a polished representation of your site data.

Is PointStudio CAD Objects the course for you?

Register for PointStudio CAD Objects to discover how you can leverage your triangulation or point cloud data to maintain an accurate representation of your site data.

You should take this course if you:

  • want to create markers to identify important features such as geologic hazards or ramp locations.
  • would like to generate and refine CAD data to reflect real-world conditions.
  • need to query and annotate grade of your slope, road, or ramp.
  • want to create contour data or section profiles from your triangulation.
  • need to generate spot heights for new areas of mining.

This course is best suited for surveyors, geotechnical engineers, and geologists.