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Modern 3D software with ribbon interface for processing, modelling and analysing geospatial data and delivered on the Maptek Workbench.
PointStudio delivers powerful processing and modelling tools alongside streamlined workflows for all spatial measurement and reporting applications. Enhanced productivity and efficiency are delivered through a ribbon interface and integration with Maptek Workbench features.
Users can report on rock bolt density for pre-defined networks and spacing for loop-based networks.
Filter out unwanted reflection points collected from Maptek laser scanners (fixed and mobile scanning mode).
Filter out unwanted reflection points collected from Maptek laser scanners (fixed and mobile scanning mode).
Improved registration arising from predictive ground control point selection; higher quality dense point clouds and faster mesh generation.
Optional legend overlay, and toggle between surface and symbol colour in stereonet view.
Survey workflows unpacked on install into dedicated ribbon; use the workflows provided or create your own and save in same location.
The Underground Tools add-on delivers functionality for underground survey applications in a dedicated ribbon menu.
Import images from drone or other mobile sensors, register and verify data and quickly generate textured surfaces and export orthomosaic photos.
Faster, more accurate filtering of point clouds streamlines the modelling on cleaner data.
Choose from standard or advanced lighting options for enhanced scene visualisation.
Import files in parallel and view progress; import .bmf, .ply and Vulcan legend .scd files; export .las/.laz and custom ASCII files.
Dedicated location for creating and saving automated survey workflows.
This paid add-on includes tools for automatically detecting rock bolts. Verify placement and analyse effectiveness before exporting report data.
Design Conformance Reporting add-on now allows users to create perspective view scenes of a conformance region with volume annotations. Easily create reports by providing a scene as the as-built data.
Underground registration is made faster and more precise with the use of specialty targets and the new Automatic Underground Target Detection tool.
New Multi-Time-Around Filter allows for easy identification and deletion of spurious returns.
Improvements to the Inter-Ramp Compliance Reporting add-on make this reporting tool more powerful and easier to use.
Users can now view point properties and tags.
PointStudio and PointViewer users can now access PETRA FRAGx, which provides an alternative method to the existing Maptek Fragmentation Analysis add-on. FRAGx is more suited to fragmentation assessment on distorted, noisy or lower precision point clouds.
Primitives can now be merged and split.
Multi-threading and other optimisations improve the performance and speed of the Global Registration tool.
Quickly assess blasted rock before it enters the crushing process. Blast engineers and surveyors can identify oversize material to mitigate issues arising from inefficient excavation and haulage, crushing and processing
Easily identify and correct scans that are not well registered to each other. The enhanced Verify registration tool corrects translation or rotation errors between selected scans for more accurate reporting.
Complete registration in the field, immediately after scanning has finished with the
scanner controller tablet functionality. Surveyors can better determine scan
leaving their position and quickly proceed with modelling and analysis once back in
Compatible with Maptek R3 laser scanners and PointStudio 2020
New Mesh filtering makes removing or attributing underground mesh faster and more efficient. Users can control the distance from the wall to the filter and preview impact before applying. Generate more accurate surface models for reporting and geotechnical analysis.
Improvements include auto-grouping scans from same origin, speed increases and new tablet registration to streamline the entire field-to-finish.
The new Feature option in the CAD digitisation tools allows for greater customisation and project organisation. Combine object properties such as colour, line thickness and stipple pattern, along with user-specified attributes, into a named feature that can then be applied to objects in one operation.
Discontinuity attributes setup can now be specified in preferences. New discontinuities created with the query, smart query or extract discontinuities tools, will automatically have the preference attributes with the specified default values.
Report on bench face angles and catch bench widths - highlight level of compliance to user-defined tolerances. Determine if lower benches need to be excavated at a different angle, or catch bench width parameters should be adjusted for safe, economic mining. Results are presented in 3D visual and statistical formats, with coloured heatmaps for tracking compliance to defined parameters.
Watch the WebinarSupport for textured .obj files provides for better interpretation of surfaces from drone data.
New ribbon interface improves user experience and uptake for new users.
Automated report preparation for easily comparing designed against actual solids to identify overbreak and underbreak. Apply to development drives, stopes or crosscuts to improve grade dilution, highlight unstable areas and reduce costs by identifying unnecessary development and pre-blast issues. Users can also analyse shotcrete thickness by comparing scans.
Volume reporting tools are now available to all users as a menu item, streamlining reporting of stockpile volumes by region. Users can attach photographs and other documentation before PDF export.
Extend Discontinuity Planes to analyse blast block solids and pit advancement solids with a single click.
Offset Line to Surface tool more easily projects toe/crest and other CAD lines at an angle onto a surface where it is not possible to acquire scan data due to ongoing mining.
Workflow Editor builds workflows and links to data for running automations in context. Streamlined single-click registration workflow customisable to your operation. Access and run other Maptek applications simultaneously. Set up custom toolbars, hotkeys and desktop workspace to suit individual work patterns.
Significant speed improvements in Despike and Simplify Surface tools. Faster Copy/Paste of Selected Facets between surfaces and improved handling of data with images applied.
Textured surfaces more easily exported for use in downstream mine planning.
Access to in-development Fragmentation Analysis, which will automatically segment scan data by identifying individual rock pieces. Analysing particle size distribution opens up possibilities for blast improvements.
Compatibility with XR3 and LR3 laser scanners for registering scans to multiple backsights. Capture multiple point returns to use last/best/first points and hide grayscale points which appear outside camera image extents.
Identify measured removal of commodities for comparison against resource models and prevent ongoing loss and dilution. Adjust planning assumptions and reserve statements and conduct operational compliance reporting.
Display drilling blind zones on stereonets to identify regions where drillhole analysis will provide poor geotechnical information. Smart query dip and strike tool for intelligent extraction of discontinuities.
Apply Trim, Divide and Split options when editing lines. New cornering tools, edge snap mode, draw lines freehand and dynamic smartline tools. Dimension line options enhanced.
Improved global registration for running convergence detection until correct results are received. Drag and drop file exchange for Vulcan database formats arch_d, dgd.isis and tek.isis formats.
2D design work from 3D point cloud data streamlines routine layout and drafting tasks. Create CAD objects direct from 3D point cloud data, 3D line creation and offset, snapping tools and 2D action plane section.
Updated functionality for analysing structures and surfaces includes discontinuity solid and spacing tools, waviness analysis, automated cell mapping, stereonet and kinematic analysis.
Define geology directly from 3D point cloud data to streamline mapping workflow. Tools include split by line, extract by polygon and apply a texture fill pattern to a surface.
Volume reporting and Design Conformance reporting streamline creation of configurable reports.
Automated and assisted initial positioning for registering scans taken underground where sensor information may be absent.
Complex 3D surface modelling of topographic surfaces.
Includes filter by column to view and manage I-Site Drive continuous scans.
Level of detail graphics rendering of surfaces allows selective display of huge datasets scaled to the display settings.
Export stockpile volumes for multiple regions in one report, borrow licences and apply multiple attributes to points and objects. New options to export data to Vulcan and rename multiple objects simultaneously.