Maptek Scanner Service Request

e.g. '8800XR-1050', '8400SR-1010'
Please include return delivery address, any special instructions or information, the shipment date and the Courier and tracking number if known
Please return scanner, tablet and relevant accessories in their original packaging where possible. Ensure the scanner and its packaging are clean, dry and free of dirt and any wood products.


When returning items for service or repair please ensure that you retain your batteries. No batteries are to be returned to Maptek without prior written authorisation.


(Please confirm with your local office if this applies to you)

Please consign the goods to:

Maptek Service Department
63 Conyngham St.
GLENSIDE, South Australia, 5065

Goods must be consigned on a DDP basis. Maptek will not be responsible for Customs clearance charges or local delivery.

Always include a Commercial Invoice with current realistic value and ensure all documents are clearly marked “Temporary Export for Repair & Return” to ensure smooth passage through Customs.

I acknowledge I have read and understand the above information*

(* required fields)

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