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Perth customers see the latest mining technology

Thursday, December 18th, 2014

Forty people gathered last week in Perth to preview the latest mining technology and network with colleagues.

Vulcan 9.1 was the main attraction, with Maptek Technical Services Manager Mike Husbands providing highlights of gantt scheduler, level designer, pit optimiser, implicit and stratigraphic modelling tools. Mike also outlined other new features designed to help customers work easier and faster.

The event provided early exposure to the new Maptek strategic open pit scheduler, which provides users with dynamic tools for maximising the value of their deposit through reliable schedules and practical mine plans.

Attendees also heard about the latest I-Site survey systems, blast analytics and tie up tools in BlastLogic, tracking surface movements with Sentry, and PerfectDig conformance reporting.

The formal presentation was followed by live software demonstrations. The event was a powerful reminder to customers that Maptek is continually developing new tools to help them work more effectively with their data and produce accurate, repeatable results. It was also was a good chance for Maptek customers and staff to network.

‘The demo was a great opportunity to see the new tools in Vulcan 9.1’, said Michelle Forgette, from Northern Star Resources. ‘It was very enjoyable to chat with Maptek staff and hear about ways these new tools can help us.’

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