Tracking material placement

Stanwell Meandu mine is implementing Maptek near real-time material tracking to monitor and report on coal, waste and rejects placement to achieve compliance.

Machine learning for grade control

A study of a haematite and magnetite deposit submitted for the Maptek Geology Challenge found that machine learning holds promise for grade control.

Confidence to excel

Geology students across Canada competed to apply their academic knowledge to real-world scenarios during the recent Geology Games.

Solution Spotlight

Evolving a dynamic scheduling system

Maptek leverages future-proofing technologies to ensure the Evolution scheduling solution continues to address industry needs.

Planning for a sustainable future

Maptek CEO Eduardo Coloma outlines how technology solutions are being developed to help tackle the complex issues facing mining businesses.

Forging a legacy

A retrospective on Maptek Forge newsletter celebrates three decades of subscribers sharing and reading about mining problems and solutions.

Upskilling the next generation

University students in Adelaide benefit from industry relevant projects and Maptek discovers new insights into difficult problems.