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El siguiente nivel del procesamiento de escaneos

May 18, 2010

Maptek I-Site Studio 3.1™ represents the latest advance in the mining industry’s favourite scan processing software. We’ve listened to what I-Site Studio users have been asking for, and have spent many months adding fantastic enhancements to deliver even more meaningful results from scan data.

Top 10 Enhancements in Studio 3.1

  • Apply photographic imagery to any modelled surface using drag and drop functionality
  • Build animations effortlessly – simply specify a series of key frames to generate a movie
  • Tie multiple window views together with a click of a button
  • Remove stray spikes caused by dust, vegetation or other structures in 2D surfaces with a simple right click operation
  • 2D text remains visible in all visualisation modes
  • Handle new file formats such as Optech IXF formatted scans, custom ASCII file formats; also group .txt formats into scans, points and survey point categories, customise imported ASCII file format
  • Break apart contours into individual lines
  • Register scans to an underground frame for stope surveys
  • DataEngine enhancements such as faster compaction of large DataEngines and improved DataEngine stability
  • Automatically detect a USB storage device and prompt to import scan files from it