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Mine Planning & Optimisation Case Studies

Face mapping underground

A customised Maptek Vulcan underground face mapping solution helps acquire critical geological information for production modelling.

Considering mining impacts

Environmental, social and governance considerations drive mine planning for a small scale miner in the historical goldfields of eastern Australia.

Shandong Gold leads the way

Sanshandao Gold Mine uses Maptek Vulcan to optimize modelling and mine planning at complex underground operation in Shandong province.

Scripting for efficient workflows

Scripting in Vulcan helps turn the sheer volume of mining information into usable data, and allows more time for assessment and analysis.

Measuring plan conformance

Maptek has tailored an automated approach to measuring mine compliance that allows engineers more time to analyse results and make timely decisions.

Short term planning at Quebrada Blanca

Implicit Modelling tools were used to create a valid geological model for short term planning at Quebrada Blanca Mine in Chile.

Innovative ore control

A new ore control system has been implemented at an open pit gold mine in Peru, combining Vulcan with other processes to streamline analysis.

Streamlined solutions for Buenaventura

Buenaventura uses Maptek Vulcan to streamline a range of modelling and mine planning applications across their operations in Peru.

Narrow vein underground mining

Klondex Mines customised the Vulcan toolbox using Lava scripting to create a short term modelling process for narrow vein mining.

Streamlining mine planning

An Australian coal mine discovered the benefits of Vulcan HARP modelling for run of mine compositing and product tonnage calculations.

Stope optimisation for underground gold deposit

Mexican company Servicios Industriales Peñoles S.A. de C.V. (SIPSA), used Vulcan for optimising stope definition to help direct mine design.

Vulcan block models optimise blending

Vulcan helped Titan Roanoke reduce waste and produce low alkali cement, while complying with stringent new emissions regulations.

Vulcan from exploration to production

Phoenix Copper Limited uses Vulcan for planning and production, as well as geological evaluation on multiple projects in South Australia.

Freeze wall uranium mining

Vulcan is an essential tool in design and development for planning and production, as well as critical geotechnical modelling at McArthur River mine in Canada.

Shortcuts in Mine Design

When designing a new underground project, Newmont Mining devised a faster, more accurate method for evaluating alternative designs using Vulcan.

Optimising waste dump sequencing with Vulcan

Vulcan design options and the haulage profile module were used to develop a tool for optimising dump filling.

Vulcan helps shape Tanami

Newmont Asia Pacific applied the Vulcan Stope Optimiser to assess how cut-off grade variations affect orebody expansion plans for the Tanami Operations.

Open pit Vulcan grade control

Vulcan is used for grade control in a bulk mineable Carlin-type gold system at Cortez Hills Mine in Nevada.

Grade control tools underground

Eagle Mine has developed an efficient and accurate method for estimating stope grades by innovative application of Maptek Vulcan grade control tools.

Short range planning improvements

Iron Ore Company of Canada built a dynamic geological model for mine scheduling with Vulcan grade control and block modelling tools.