
All Case Studies

Evoluion of a scheduling solution

An open pit copper and molybdenum mine in Arizona benefits from a streamlined implementation of Maptek Evolution scheduling software.

New scheduling resources

Powerful mine design and scheduling solutions provide a reliable, repeatable workflow to plan the where and how of mining a gold project in the Pilbara region.

Environmental impacts of mining

Optimised scheduling combines with full life cycle analysis to quantify and reduce the environmental impacts of planned mines and monitor those in production.

Evolution of gold extraction scheduling

Outside of the box thinking has helped provide a solution to an open pit heap leach operation scheduling challenge involving the reuse of leaching pads on a set footprint.

Evolution of a mine

Maptek Evolution Strategy and Origin were used to produce complex financial models for the Havilah Resources open cut copper-gold operation in northern South Australia.

Paradigm shift in mine scheduling

Maptek has worked with mine planners to establish a new approach to scheduling that helps meet productivity goals.

Scheduling solution uncovers value

Maptek Evolution scheduling solution has uncovered more than $10 million in extra value for a Barrick Gold Corporation project in western Africa.

Tightening control over scheduling

A high grade gold deposit in Western Australia is relying on Maptek Evolution cloud-based technology to solve scheduling challenges.

Mine Scheduling Reinvented

This 2019 ebook explores universal themes around how scheduling should preserve orebody knowledge, the benefits of knowledge replacing assumptions, and how an integrated process across mine planning, scheduling and production provides effective decision support.

Rewarding enterprise

A high grade gold deposit in Western Australia is relying on Maptek Evolution cloud-based technology to solve scheduling challenges.

Optimised scheduling solution

Dynamic optimised schedules take account of the complexity of mining a new project at Diavik Diamond Mine in the remote Northwest Territories of Canada.

Reserving the Maptek way

Evolution challenges the paradigm that reserving is onerous and requires high levels of programming expertise to generate reliable results.

Calculate haulage while scheduling

Evolution calculates haulage data on the fly when running schedules, helping to rationalise costs early in the mining project.

Integrated haulage strategy cuts costs

Maptek strategic mine scheduling optimisation tools aid mine planning and waste dump haulage at open pit operations.

Capital Decisions as Part of Strategic Scheduling Process

This 2019 conference paper presents the benefits of a global optimisation approach using a customised memetic algorithm. This synergy of evolutionary and classical optimisation techniques can optimise strategic capital decisions while taking into account multiple mining policies.

Breaking the Billion-Variable Barrier in Real-World Optimization Using a Customized Evolutionary Algorithm

This 2016 conference paper outlines how a customised optimisation algorithm was developed and tested on a casting scheduling scenario in a foundry. The research aimed to identify critical factors in handling tens of thousands of variables to find near-optimal solutions in a computationally fast manner.

Applying Modern Heuristics to Maximising NPV through Cut-off Grade Optimisation

This paper presented at AusIMM Orebody Modelling & Mine Planning in 2014 discusses the advantages of various optimisation techniques. It concludes that evolutionary algorithms are agile and easily adaptable, making them suitable for solving complex real world mining problems.