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Technical Services provide Vulcan video tutorials

At Maptek we are always happy to help with your technical questions. Our technical services staff are available on the phone and via email but did you know you can also request a video to explain a Vulcan process?

This week David Wallingford from Gold Fields Australia asked for help, ‘I would like a video tutorial related to the setup of a transformation matrix.’

Jonathan Haines, Vulcan Technical Services Consultant, from Maptek Perth was happy to oblige. The short video clearly outlines how to use the Calculate and Matrix tools in Vulcan to calculate fixed linear transformations between grid systems taking into account shift, rotation and scale.

These tools are handy when you need to transform between Australian Map Grid (AMG) and Map Grid of Australia (MGA) or transforming from UTM grids such as MGA and your local site grid.

You can find the Calculate and Matrix options in Vulcan under Design > Transformation > Calculate or Design > Transformation > Matrix

Have you got a video tutorial topic? Email

Click here to watch more Bite Size Vulcan video tutorials.

Technical Services
July 28, 2014

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